011 how to practice authenticity
I often talk about authenticity and the importance of embracing it, but what does that really mean, and what does it look like? Let’s explore several ways you can practice authenticity!
Authentic individuals possess a deep understanding of their values, beliefs, and motivations through self-awareness. Take some time each day to reflect on what truly matters to you; recognize what you stand for and what drives your actions. This awareness integrates into your decision-making process, helping you operate from a framework that aligns with your core principles. When you incorporate your authentic beliefs into your practice, you can live in a way that feels purposeful and meaningful. By knowing yourself on a deeper level, you can navigate life’s challenges and opportunities with greater clarity.
Honesty with yourself and others is a core pillar of authenticity. When you openly share your emotions, thoughts, and experiences—especially when it feels uncomfortable and vulnerable—you demonstrate a commitment to your authentic self. Living honestly means confronting the difficult truths and aspects of our lives that might feel shameful to share.
The more you understand and connect with yourself, the more consistent you will be in your identity, regardless of your environment or audience. You won’t feel the need to change your behavior to fit in or impress others, as doing so would conflict with your authentic self. Consistency aligns with congruence, where your internal self (thoughts and feelings) aligns with your outward behaviors. When you achieve complete alignment, you are authentic both internally and externally—you are not wearing a mask or pretending to be someone you’re not.
Why is practicing authenticity so difficult? Because it requires vulnerability. Vulnerability asks you to show your true self, whether in the mirror or to others. It means being open to sharing your fears, insecurities, and imperfections. This openness can be challenging because it exposes you to potential rejection. However, I believe it’s far better to face rejection for being your authentic self than to be accepted while denying who you are. True acceptance from others fosters deeper connections and trust!